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10 Best App Ideas with Surging Graphs in 2019

10 Best App Ideas with Surging Graphs in 2019

An app is all about a great idea. Users will stick to your platform if they find uniqueness and values being delivered. What an app offers should be something lying in-app owner’s interest area and user’s requirements. It’s often difficult to find a balance. Coming up with an idea is tougher than the process of actual mobile app development. Though, we have done much of the homework before you carry out thorough market research. We have curated a list of some of the app ideas experiencing a surging graph in 2019. 

1. AI-based Restaurant Reservation App: Why to miss a chance visiting my favorite dine out when I have a whole lot system assisting me through? This is what modern users expect out of your app. The old school reservation apps used to take much time in finding the best restaurant that suits users whereas the new AI-based ones are pretty quick in personalizing the whole experience as per the user’s choice and preferences. There is a graphical layout showing up nearby restaurants and pubs and facilities to select the favorite spot, keeping in mind the user’s preferences. Get a small chunk of reservation charges as well as earn a smart commission and cost for featured placement from restaurant owners. 

2. Blockchain Tax/Invoicing App: Cluttering up your tax payments seems a tough job requiring your complete focus. To ease your expenses management, entrepreneurs have innovated the idea of the Blockchain Tax app. According to the user’s income and other aspects, this application is capable of finding the tax user needs to pay. There are various blockchain frameworks used to develop such kind of app like Ethereum, Smart contract, Hyperledger, etc. This app is not going to be just a tax calculator but would also assist users with things like generating invoices, handling transactions, etc. 

3. Food delivery app: With the growing number of working folks, cooking at home often becomes a skipped part. “According to recent surveys, 51% of Americans use delivery services to purchase meals from casual dining restaurants and 26% order takeout or delivery at least once a week. Digital ordering and delivery have been growing 300% faster than dine-in traffic since 2014.” It is undoubtedly a bonafide business and the growth trajectory is definitely strong in this space. Such apps generally ask for user’s location access and show the list of restaurants that deliver in that area. A personalised experience is shown to the user as per his/her browsing and order history. 

4. Health inspector apps: Practo is one of the highly acclaimed medical applications which helps users find and book appointments with doctors, diagnostic tests, clinics, hospitals. It has also been powered with a chatting platform through which you can connect with any of the listed doctors for online consultation. In this era of eCommerce and too much easiness, it is great to come up with such an app. Health cares mobile app development is boggling the mind of users because of the wide variety of options offered. You have a plethora of options if you are thinking to step into the health care industry. There are patient care, educational, medication management, Health calculator and many more varieties. 

5. Grocery delivery apps: Grocery shopping is a tiring task as you have to visit highly crowded supermarkets and have to deal with long queues. It takes away your precious time and also sucks up all the energy you woke up with. There are a variety of Grocery apps being launched in the market for the ever-increasing demand for easiness and convenience in the sector. Users just need to sign up, search for things and order them. Stepping into such a business would never let you face a recession because it’s such a thing people can never live without. 

6. Sports betting apps: A huge sensation in the market from the past two years is the emerging concept of Sports betting applications. Since people love sports and love to showcase their knowledge and prediction power, they are just crazy about the idea. Fantasy teams are created on such platforms based on the type of sports user loves, for example, cricket, kabaddi, football, American football, volleyball, badminton, etc. The legal sports-betting market in the U.S. was worth an estimated $270 million last year with another $2.5 billion to $3 billion in black market betting, according to research firm Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, LLC. 

7. E-learning apps: Due to the increasing rush in the physical institutions, people are hugely adopting the concept of E-learning which lets them connect with the consultants, teachers, get required study materials on a single tap and even provide certification courses now. Users just need to sign up, choose the course and the app gets the related study materials, test papers, etc in a matter of seconds. If you have such a platform, you can bring together as many courses as you want. 

8. Taxi booking apps: Intra or Intercity travelers can never go on a break which is why building a taxi booking system can be a great start for you. Conventional taxi businesses are not accepted or entertained by people anymore. Passengers generally like to hire cabs from on-demand cab service providers which promise reliable pick-ups and you can be one of those. Even if you do not want to spend time in the development of such a model, you will find plenty of providers offering you state of the art solutions integrated with most of the functionalities. 

9. Buy and Sell apps: Like OLX, you can go for a platform that allows users to sell and buy products online as per their geographic location. There are apps like Offerup, eBay, Olx, etc. working on the same models and leaving success marks. It can a great idea for you to start and capture the market on the go. 

10. Food donation apps: If you are not just pointing yourself to make huge chunks of money and want to actually do something good for the society then here is an idea for you. To make sure that no food gets wasted, a number of apps are being launched in the market. Such apps work on a simple process. If you want to donate your leftover food, you can visit the app and click on the donate button. It’s that simple! You will not have to go into core development.


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