3 Books to Read Before You Launch Your Mobile Application

3 Books to Read Before You Launch Your Mobile Application

Launching a mobile app that grows leaps and bounds after its launch is not as easy as getting in touch with a France mobile app development company. As you could hear the experts say, the success of a mobile application has little to do with its its technology, and more with the efforts of developers and psychology of its users. But that’s certainly isn’t something that you will be taught in computer coding classes, if you are taking one to understand the process of mobile app development in France and in other countries. And although today’s app-moved market are a tid-bit different that traditional ones, getting back to books to strengthen your concept of business still ranks at top.

So let us have a look at 3 books that you should read before you get into launching your first mobile application, with the aim to take your business to new heights.

1. “Rework” by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

Heinemeier is the same guy who built Ruby on Rails, while Jason is the mind behind the famous project management tool “Basecamp”. One thing that you could be sure of is David always speaks from his experience, instead of making funny and glossy statements that sell well. And that’s what he does in his book; Rework. Though not a book completely dedicated to app development, what the writers try to help their readers understand are the basics of today’s startup environment. They urge people to understand the best time to move with full pace is now; that is when they have nothing but an idea and ambition. So they should start right away, and try and turn a deaf ear to all those experts who suggest that:

a. only a perfect product could succeed,

b. and why only investors could make a business successful.

The book tells you no glory-story in an exaggerated manner, but only the basics that many modern day startups are refusing to take account of.

2. “The Appreneur Playbook” by Charlyn Keating

Experts of a top Dubai mobile app development company prefer this book even when its not as famous as its contemporaries. The reason: keating concentrates more on developing good content for her readers, instead of her and her book’s marketing. The book has advice from 32 top app experts to help you know what it takes to develop an app that performs good on all fronts. The book is only available in digital format.

3. “The Lean Startup” by  Eric Ries

Ries is an American entrepreneur, author, and the man behind making MVP-based business model famous. In his book, Eric talks about first giving a very simple and lean version of your app to your users, so to avoid failures if there is no market for that kind of idea. He emphasizes on the approach of “Build, Measure, and Learn”, where you understand what your users want after the launch of your initial version. And then keep on adding extra features for a more sustainable and feasible business model.

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