Various approaches in web designing

Various approaches in web designing

There was a time when mobile was completely used for the talking purpose but now due to advancement in technology 30 to 50 percent traffic on the web page is coming from the mobile devices. This means that now in the near future the users of desktop and laptop will become minimized and users of mobile apps will increase. Currently web design India is working onto three types of approaches in web designing responsive web design, client-side adaptive web designs and server side adaptive web design. The utility of each approach is different as they are used for different products and services.

Each web design has its own strength and weakness. It is up to the designer to choose the best suitable approach selected for the type of products and services they are designed to.

Responsive web approach- Surfing the internet through mobile has become a common phenomenon. The responsive web approach is the most commonly used trend in web designing. The advantage of this type of web designing approach is that the designers are free to use a single template for all devices. The designing through responsive web approach take the use of CSS and those designers can still be supportive of technologies like CSS and HTML that they are familiar with. The performance of the responsive web approach mainly works with mobile devices, where we find the mobile use case is prioritized while developing. Mobile apps design company India is at present working on this approach to make the design adjust to any screen.

Client-side adaptive- It is based on the principle of the responsive web approach. The target area of this type of design approach is very limited and specific. Java script is used by it to enrich websites with advanced functionality and customization. Even the adaptive design work with two approaches one is to serve the client side. The other adaptations occur where the web server does the heavy lifting of web devices and even loading the correct template. In the client-side adaptive the designer is not supposed to build another site rather they can be built on the existing content. Client side adaptive ensures that the templates are loaded from the client device.

Server-side adaptive- From server-side adaptive approach work is achieved through various ways from server side plugins and custom user agent detection. This approach is mainly required when servers are under heavy loads. It typically offers distinct templates for various devices. It even keeps the device detection logic on the server.

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