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Top 20 Best Raspberry Pi Projects That you Can Start Right Away

Top 20 Best Raspberry Pi Projects That you Can Start Right Away

The Raspberry pi was introduced to mankind in 2012. It is basically a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. It is well known among the students, its experts, and many hobbyists as it makes many things possible. The mentioned people offer some amazing raspberry pi projects and an infinite range of possibilities at affordable cost. If you are also looking for the best raspberry pi projects then you are at the right place. So, without further ado let us have a look at the top 20 raspberry pi projects from basic to advanced.

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1. Weather Station with Raspberry Pi

If you are a noob in this field, then this project is perfect to move ahead as it is one of the best Raspberry Pi projects and easiest too. This weather station projects collects and analyzes atmospheric data. It also lets you learn the fundamentals of Raspberry Pi as you also gain experience for further projects. You can easily learn about the physical sensors and complimentary Python libraries to control their functioning. Let us have a look at the highlights of the project:

-> The Pi board that you will choose must have built-in wireless support as you can also use a Wifi dongle.

-> We recommend the BME280 sensor for analyzing pressure, temperature, wind vane, humidity, a rain gauge, and an anemometer.

-> You can use Oracle Raspberry Pi Weather Station software for benefiting from powerful Python APIs.

2. Pi Twitter Bot

We all love to surf social media, so our next project is for one of the biggest social media platforms Twitter. Twitter allows the developers to create a real-time Twitter bot through their API. That is why it is one of the most loved raspberry pi projects for open source enthusiasts. If you also want a personal Twitter bot then you must definitely create this project. Let us have a look at the requirements of this project:

-> This bot is basically a web application and runs on a Raspberry Pi board.

-> You also need to register a Twitter application by going to the Twitter APIs.

-> You also need to set up and write the bot on your Raspberry Pi using the Python programming language. It is known as the Twython library which is recommended for the API bit.

-> You can also automate the bot and make it upload the CPU temperature of your raspberry Pi whenever it reaches a certain temperature.

You might have noticed that we have asked you to code in some of our projects and that too in Python. As per the top android app development company, python is an object-oriented high-level programming language which is built-in data structures and blended with dynamic typing and binding and is also heavily used for application development. If you want to know more about Python then here we have a full blog on “Why Python is a great programming language?”

3. Wireless Print Server

If you can find the old unused printer then you can make a wireless print server out of it with the help of raspberry pi. All you need is a raspberry pi board and a storage space as it is among the best raspberry pi projects for beginners. Once it is done it can be easily accessed from any device you interface for and will offer a useful means to perform the office work. The requirements of this project are:

-> Raspberry pi 3 which comes with built-in wireless support.

-> Also requires CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) in order to print the server.

-> Uses Samba in order to allow windows to use its print server

-> Connection with the printer for some printing

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4. FM Radio Station

FM Radio station sounds like a cool project as children and enthusiasts would love to build this project on their own. If you already own a raspberry board then you can easily turn it into a cutting-edge FM radio station. With the help of an internet connection and a microphone you can create this app for yourself as you also learn some of the valuable concepts of the raspberry pi. Let us have a look at the requirements of the FM radio station raspberry pi project.

-> You will need SCSS(Spread Spectrum Clock Signal) a suppression tool used with Raspberry Pi to transmit radio signals.

-> You need to use GPIO pin 4 of your raspberry pi to send the transmission using a wire as an antenna.

-> You can use this program by downloading and compiling to convert your raspberry pi into the FM station.

-> You can also add a change from your end by customizing your FM station raspberry pi project that it can broadcast live.

5. Build a TOR Router 

If you have any kind of association or knowledge about the dark web then also have an idea about the TOR browser. Tor is the browser that offers access to the dark side of the web. With this project, we are going to build a TOR router with that old Raspberry board sitting among the best raspberry pi projects. Let us have a look at the requirements of this project:

-> We suggest the use of the Raspbian OS for such raspberry projects that requires anonymity.

-> Then you need to use RPI wireless hotspot to automate your Pi’s configuration process so you can access points for internet connection.

-> Then you need to install and configure TOR in your Pi, route DNS and TCP traffic through it.

-> All you need to make sure is that the TOR service is automatically started to boot.

Since we are talking about the projects which are perfect for students and developing minds using Raspberry pi. We also have a list of the 10 Apps to boost your brain by the top iOS mobile app development company. We all have a lot more free time to spare than we think. We are living in an advanced world where critical thinking has become a necessity. Downloading these apps on your phone will surely help your brain get a much-needed boost.

6. Raspberry Pi NAS File Server

NAS stands for network-attached server which lets your storage device act as a dedicated file server that can send multiple files using the internet at a very high speed. It is among the best Arduino and raspberry pi projects as its professional model prices are around $500. All you need is one of your storage devices and a running USB hub.

Highlights of this Project

-> Format the storage device using the NTFS format to let you access the device

-> Configure your Pi with SSH protocol

-> You can use software like Samba to configure the networking options available.

-> You can also use DAta Redundancy and the RAID service if looking for a more significant challenge

7. Networking Monitoring Tool

In case you’re a web wizard like me, odds are you have different workers running for a wide scope of purposes, both expert and individual. Building a helpful organization screen could be extraordinary compared to other Raspberry Pi projects for you, permitting you to screen your workers’ organization exercises advantageously. Like most other web-based raspberry pi projects, this task will test your organizational abilities and irritate the aptitude needed for future complex raspberry projects.

-> We suggest you select NagiosPi, a lightweight worker checking distro for such raspberry pi projects. 

-> Arrange the observing inclinations of Nagios Xi to screen your organization traffic viably; we recommend you start with the essential measurements, then, at that point, meet up logically. 

-> Join a showcase to your Pi board, contingent upon how you need your framework to look. 

-> You can cut out strong external layers for ensuring the fundamental board by utilizing a 3D printer.

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8. Minecraft Game Server

It is a standout amongst other Raspberry Pi projects for you in case you are an enthusiast of the online sandbox game. Since its inception, Minecraft has become a top recognized name and is one of the top gaming activities of Microsoft today. Raspberry accompanies a committed Pi rendition of this incredible game, which you can use to assemble your own Minecraft worker raspberry pi projects. For this venture, you’ll just require a functioning Pi board and a quick LAN link.

Requirement of the Project

-> Your framework should be cutting-edge prior to continuing with Minecraft establishment. 

-> The Java runtime and construct instruments are needed to run the game on your Pi. 

-> Dispatch the worker and interface with it from another PC on the home organization to test your work.

As we are talking about the use of the latest technologies in our minds, let us also have a look at the APIs and their development. An API stands for application programming interface and is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. Wanted to know more about APIs, here we have a complete guide for API development.

9. Time Lapse Camera 

In case you’re an ardent photographer, assembling a period slip by the camera can be outstanding amongst other Raspberry Pi projects for your undertaking. You can fabricate time-slip by raspberry projects effectively by using the Blinkt addon of your Raspberry Pi load up. The camera can be appended to a wearable thing, permitting you to perceive what the camera is seeing. This speedy little undertaking is outstanding amongst other raspberry pi ventures to flaunt your Pi abilities.

Features Required for the task 

-> You will require either a Pi Camera or a Pi NoIR Camera and a viable link, and a pie board for this undertaking. 

-> Append the camera to your Pi board and check in case it’s working effectively; your camera may be empowered first. 

-> Utilize this Python program to code the time-pass bit of your venture.

10. Raspberry Pi as a VPN worker 

VPN workers are utilized to get to the web from behind a protected passageway. You can without much of a stretch minister extraordinary compared to other Raspberry Pi projects that will go about as your committed VPN worker without any preparation. Similarly, as with the NAS worker, this venture will expect you to deal with your Pi’s organizing exercises. With this inventive task, you will have a front-line customized VPN worker and get a good deal on month-to-month memberships.

Features of the task 

-> We suggest you utilize the Pi VPN OpenVPN worker execution for this task. 

-> Pick the right VPN supplier; we recommend you stay with IPVanish for this venture. 

-> Design a static IP address for your Raspberry board. 

-> We propose you use the 2048-piece RSA encryption. 

-> You may introduce the Pi VPN GUI for overseeing clients and adding new gadgets helpfully.

Internet of Things along with Raspberry Pie is among the top technologies which are going to rule the market in the upcoming years. As the internet is acquiring more and more proportion in our daily lives we are living under the grace of top mobile app development company which are integrating IoT and the latest mobile apps to make our lives easier. Here’s our view on Why the Internet of Things is the Real Game Changer for Web Development.

11. Motion Capture Security System 

Consider building an HD camera observation framework that catches live video at whatever point something moves in the checked region for your next raspberry projects. You can utilize a similar Pi camera you utilized for the time-pass project or may pick in for an all the more impressive one. This is extraordinary compared to other raspberry pi projects for you assuming you need to keep an eye on your canine or the drive away while holiday advantageously.

Key Features and Requirements of this Project

-> Allows you to live stream from any browser or mobile device

-> Camera generates the ability to record motion into a video file on demand

-> As recommended we suggest to use the Raspberry Pi Camera Module for this Raspberry pi projects

-> Use motion detection software like Motion in order to configure the motion capture functionality.

-> To make it more challenging, you can make a motion camera send out a notification whenever it captures any images or videos.

12. Building an AI Assistant

The upcoming generation will be using AI in almost everything. Since it’s already the age of AI, there are many amazing open source raspberry pi projects on GitHub. We recommend everyone to try their hands in the field of UI and building this project will help you with gaining a lot of information about AI and raspberry pi together. You will use Google Assistant and the Google Cloud SDK for such raspberry pi projects. Let us have a look at some highlights and requirements of this project.

-> Needs to register a free account for the Google Assistant through Google Console Actions

-> Setting up and configuration audio for your Google Assistant account

-> Raspberry pi needs to be authorized for the Google Assistant

-> Setup Google assistant to autostart at boot time on your Pi

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13. Media Center Using Pi

If you also need a home media center then you can use Kodi, a free and open source media player software which can turn your raspberry pi into a home media center with ease. This is a great project and is among the best Raspberry pi projects. It will help you learn a lot while developing this raspberry pi project. Let us have a look at the requirement and highlights of this project:

-> Use Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ for this project

-> A microSD card or a USB HDD can work

-> You can also use Kodi mobile app on your smartphone to add remote control feature

-> You can also include an IR receiver in your raspberry pi project for additional remote control functionality

14. Raspberry Pi Distance Sensor 

Students and people from engineering backgrounds usually develop this project as it can broaden your skill sets and prepare people for further complex challenges in other difficult projects. Building this distance sensor will allow you to do practical projects that you can also show off in your job portfolio. Requirements of this project:

-> We suggest you to use HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor for this raspberry pi project

-> Also use Rpi.GPIO module to access and control the GPIO pins of your raspberry pi board

-> WE also need voltage divider to drop the 5v output from the sensor to 3.3 as as raspberry pi board suggests the same

-> Use of 3D printer for creating outer layers to protect the sensor

15. Raspberry Pi WifI Extender

This Wifi extender is a physical device which helps in extending the range of areas for your wireless connectivity. With raspberry pi you can easily create a WiFi extender and is one of the best raspberry pi projects which solves your connectivity problem. Highlights of this project are:

-> Setup the WiFi extender by configuring the WPA_supplicant.conf file

-> Restart your DHCP service 

-> Adjust the hostapd configuration of your Pi

-> Create a case in order to protect your WiFi extender

-> Also adjust your raspberry pi project with a VPN server for additional functionality

16. Raspberry Pi Twitch Bot

Twitch is one of the world’s leading live streaming platforms which focuses on video game live streaming. With the help of this Twitch bot you can stream your own videos with just your raspberry pi board. If you are also a top game player who streams like Dota and PUBG games then this raspberry pi project is for you. Highlights of this project are:

-> Creating a Twitch account as you will need Twitch OAuth token

-> You also need to program your Twitch moderator bot which can be done using Python programming language

-> Config your Pi to start the Twitch bot during startup

17. Gaming Machine

We all love to play old games as we all passed our childhood playing all these games. If you also love your past then let us build a retro gaming console with a very cheap Pi board. This is also one of the best arduino and raspberry pi projects. If you are looking for raspberry pi projects which include games then start diving into this project right away. Let us have a look at the requirements and features of the project.

-> Need to download and install RetroPie on your machine

-> Configure your pi which automatically boots into emulation station an can be accessed through USB controller

-> We also suggest the Buffalo Classic USB controller, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 etc.

18. Raspberry Pi Smart TV Project

You can easily convert an old PC monitor and a Raspberry Pi computer into your own smart TV. It is another top class Raspberry pi project which will improve your home entertainment system. If you have an extra piece of monitor lying around then this project is for you. Let us have a look at the highlight of this project.

-> You need to use OMX image viewer software for this raspberry project

-> You also need to install libjpeg8-dev and libpng12-dev modules in your pi

-> Need to set up Kodi for further improvements in your Smart TV project

19. Home Automation System 

Raspberry pi projects are among the best technical projects in the world and this raspberry pi project’s home automation is arguably one of top projects to work on. All your skills and experience will come into the account to develop this raspberry pi project. You can handle such home automation raspberry pi projects in numerous ways. Let us have a look at the development of this home automation system:

-> Need to set up a Relay Circuit for your raspberry first

-> Use the GPIO pin number 6 for your pi board for connecting the relay circuit

-> Use of protocols like MQTT and APIs in order to connect a large number of devices and sensors

20. Building a Full-Fledged Desktop Computer 

You might already have a system but learning new things using raspberry pi is really a cool thing to follow. It is surely one of the best raspberry pi projects for the system as it offers some amazing first hand experience to all the raspberry pi lovers. Since it also includes computing which means it is a top raspberry pi project for beginners.

Highlights of the Project are:

-> Connect an HDMI monitor to use it as a display to your pi

-> You also needed peripheral devices like keyboard and mouse

-> Shift your board inside a solid metal case for safety

-> You also need to install a cooler to take the heat off of your raspberry pi board

These are the top 20 best raspberry pi projects that you can start right away and learn many new things which can benefit you in the future.

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