100 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics, Facts- We Must Know About

100 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics, Facts- We Must Know About

The Bitcoin network came into existence with Satoshi Nakamoto on 3 January 2009; since then it has gained humongous popularity. Cryptocurrency markets themselves have grown immensely over the past few years. This digital asset has decentralized networks that are based on blockchain technology.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics

Cryptocurrencies might have faced some criticism because of being used for illegal activities and vulnerabilities of infrastructure but they are loved by many. The portability, inflation resistance, and transparency provided by cryptocurrencies are unmatched.

102 Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency Statistics & Facts That Will Surprise You

S. No. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics, Facts
1 Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym of the individual or a group of people that invented Blockchain technology. (Investopedia, Bitcoin.org, The Economist)
2 The largest blockchain organization, by market valuation, in the world is considered to be Bitmain. It is a Chinese company that helps in crypto mining by producing integrated circuit chips. (Investopedia)
3 The infrastructure cost of investment banks can be reduced by 30% with the use of Blockchain technology. (Accenture Consulting)
4 Expected to grow to $20 billion in annual revenues by the end of 2024, the blockchain market will undergo a compound annual growth rate of 37.4%. (Grand View Research, Transparency Market Research)
5 Most of the Bitcoin users lie between the age of 25 and 34. (Cryptocurrency Hub)
6 91.5% of the cryptocurrencies’ investments are made by men. (Bridging & Commercial, eToro)
7 The concept of a national cryptocurrency has been adopted, rejected or researched by more than 20 countries. (Cointelegraph)
8 The third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization is Ripple (XRP). It comes after Bitcoin and Ethereum. (CoinMarketCap, New York Times)
9 Malware activity of crypto mining rose by more than 4,000% during 2018. (Investopedia, McAfee)
10 The current market cap of Ethereum (ETH) is $149,123,341,483. (CoinMarketCap, Blockgeeks)
11 Two pizzas were bought as the first Bitcoin transaction in 2010 for 10.000 BTC. (Yahoo News)
12 China had 65% of BTC mining pools in 2020. (University of Cambridge, Statista)
13 21 million is the maximum number of Bitcoins that can be mined. (CoinSutra, Blockchain.com, IT Pro)
14 On March 15, 2020, there were 5,201 crypto assets. (blocksocial)
15 324 gigabytes is the current size of the Bitcoin blockchain. (Bitcoin.com)
16 $41,940 is the highest-ever single Bitcoin price by January 2021. (CoinDesk, CNBC)
17 The blockchain electricity consumption of Bitcoin generates carbon emission levels that can be compared with those produced by Kansas City or countries like Jordan or Sri Lanka. (Joule)
18 Blockchain technology is used by 65 million people (0.71% of the world’s population only). (8-bit.io, Statista)
19 The hack that happened at Mt. Gox cryptocurrency exchange is the largest and the most infamous blockchain hack. (CoinSutra)
20 Around 88% of crypto’s market value compose the top 10 digital assets. (blocksocial)
21 $50 billion has been invested by some of the world’s largest banks for the development of a blockchain-based digital cash settlement system. (Reuters)
22 Blockchain global healthcare-market spending is expected to hit $5.61 billion by 2025. (BIS Research)
23 As the ICO has fallen out of favor with investors, only around $20 million were raised in token sales in 2020.

Want to create a cryptocurrency of your own? How to Create Your Own Cryptocurrency: All that you Need to Understand will help you understand more about it.

24 Purchasing and trading of game items using blockchain tech have been done by 44% of gamers. (Statista)
25 Over $360 billion of value is expected to be added by blockchain-based projects by 2026. (Gartner)
26 Blockchain-based products and services spending by the U.S. is expected to reach $41 billion by 2025. (ResearchAndMarkets.com)
27 More than 300 digital asset exchanges happen across the globe. (blocksocial)
28 Before the blockchain becomes a mainstream technology, performance speed, costs, regulations, interoperability, and collaboration are the key issues that need to be solved. (CNBC, Deloitte, ICOService)
29 More than 500 blockchain projects are assigned to about 1,500 employees working with IBM. (CNN, IBM)
30 Blockchain growth in the future will be pushed by DApps, STOs, and the gaming industry according to blockchain predictions by Brock Pierce, an American entrepreneur with experience in digital currencies. (Forbes)
31 Cryptocurrency trading is unregulated in most countries and illegal in some.
32 The “Z-space” feature was introduced by the Chinese manufacturer Lenovo. It is a blockchain-based payment system. HTC has launched a blockchain-focused phone as well. (Asia Times, CNBC, Statista)
33 It is said that the OTC (over-the-counter) trading volumes have exceeded exchange-traded volumes by several multiples.
34 The largest group of investors are IT professionals with around 15% of them investing in cryptocurrency. (eToro)
35 The first three quarters of 2018 saw 280% growth in blockchain investment as compared to the whole of 2017. (Diar)
36 Often referred to as “whales”, early adopters are among the biggest market participants in crypto. (blocksocial)
37 As of December 2020, more than 63,000,000 blockchain wallet users are there. (Blockchain.com, Investopedia)
38 33% of companies (largest in consumer products & manufacturing) have already implemented blockchain technology. (Statista)
39 Social media networks running on blockchains are available as well. (Steemit, CoinMarketCap)
40 Across the globe, there are more than a dozen central banks that are considering issuing central bank digital currencies. (blocksocial)
41 Blockchain transactions have seen a distribution of more than $270 billion in assets. (Medici, Cryptopolitan, Blockchain.com, PwC)
42 The number of food companies and retailers experimenting with blockchain technology is increasing. (Wall Street Journal, Reuters)
43 It is expected that the food and agriculture markets will reach the $1.4 billion global market value of blockchain by 2028. (BIS Research)
44 $2.9 billion was spent in 2019 on blockchain technology. (Statista)
45 Investment from $5 million to less than $10 million in blockchain technology during 2021 was informed that would be done by 24% of companies participating in the Deloitte blockchain survey. (Deloitte)
46 Blockchain technology’s huge potential was believed by 86% of tech-savvy executive teams surveyed by Deloitte. (Deloitte)
47 The transaction cost is millions of times cheaper using blockchain than transaction costs in the traditional economy. (Etherscan, Reddit)
48 The adoption of blockchain technology has begun to be explored by about 90% of U.S. and European banks and financial institutions by the end of 2018. (Law Technology Today, BlockTelegraph)
49 More than 60% of blockchain’s worldwide market value is currently accounted for by the financial sector. (Statista)
50 Before 2019, 19% of people bought cryptocurrency. (Kaspersky)
51 Bitcoin-related posts appear every 3 seconds on social media. (Finder)
52 The price of bitcoin grew by 66% in February 2021. (Tech Crunch)
53 As of February 22nd, Tether was the biggest cryptocurrency with a $109 billion 24-hour volume. (Statista)
54 About 1 million daily transactions were seen by Ethereum in 2020. (Statista)
55 667 million new crypto-malware were present by March 2020. (Statista)
56 About 88% of the total cryptocurrency market value is made up of the first ten cryptocurrencies having the highest market cap. (Block Social)
57 14,915 Bitcoin Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) were present as of January 2021. (Statista)
58 Dozens of startup failures and thousands of layoffs across the globe were caused by the crypto winter that followed the 2017 crypto gold rush. (blocksocial)
59 As of January 2021, the confidence in cryptocurrency is almost 100%. (Binance Research)

You can also own a Bitcoin wallet app. Want to know easy steps of how? Read our blog on How to Create a Bitcoin Wallet App: An Ultimate Guide.

60 About 900 new coins in the market every day were there as of 2021. (Buy Bitcoin Worldwide)
61 One Ether is worth $1500.87 as of February 25th, 2021. (Ycharts)
62 There are 18.6 million Bitcoins as of January 2021. (Buy Bitcoin Worldwide)
63 Most blockchain trials and implementations out of all global industries are performed by the financial sector. (blocksocial)
64 $6 billion of daily online transactions are accounted for by Bitcoin alone. (News Logical)
65 Aside from Bitcoin, there were 5,098 alternative cryptocurrencies as of 2020. (News.Bitcoin)
66 As of 2021, more than 4000 cryptocurrencies were there. (Statista)
67 Bitcoin owners account for 65% of cryptocurrency users. (Binance Research)
68 By February 2021, 68 million wallet users were there. (Statista)
69 Worth $232 million collectively offered Blockfi and Bitpay decentralized financing in 2020. (Crunchbase News)
70 Satoshi is the smallest denomination of bitcoin. (blocksocial)
71 By 2022, $300 billion blockchain funding will be seen by Europe. (Crunchbase News)
72 In the first quarter of 2021, Bitcoin nearly reached the 400,000 daily transactions mark. (Statista)
73 As of Q4 of 2020, 43 million users were there for Coinbase. (CNBC)
74 In 2020, with 16% cryptocurrency adoption, Peru was the leading country in South America for cryptocurrency adoption. (techjury)
75 More than $10 million in BTC are held by only 990 bitcoin wallets. (blocksocial)
76 Bitcoin saw investment by 79% of cryptocurrency owners in the UK. (Finder)
77 The second trial of China’s digital currency was launched in early 2021. (WARC)
78 As of late 2020, 1000+ US corporate blockchain projects were there in the pipelines. (Forbes)
79 The highest number of token sales (48%) is owned by the US in 2020. (Block Social)
80 With 32%, Nigeria was the leading country for cryptocurrency ownership/usage in 2020. (Statista)
81 60% of the world’s hash rate is controlled by China. (BuyBitcoin Worldwide)
82 The cryptocurrency market underwent a loss of $150 billion in 2021. (CNBC)
83 It is predicted that the global blockchain market will rise to $23.3 billion by 2023. (PR News Wire)
84 By 2023, it is expected that up to 15.9 billion will be spent on blockchain-related tech. (Statista)
85 Only a $20 million raise in sales could be seen in tokens in 2020. (Block Social)
86 The market cap for Bitcoin, in Q1 of 2021, was at $1072 billion. (Statista)
87 Between the period 2021 to 2026, there will be a CAGR of 3.5%. The digital currency’s global market size will be around $1087 million by 2026. (PR News Wire)
88 $20 billion have been raised by cryptocurrency startups via ICOs since 2017. (CoinTelegraph)

Want to learn more about Blockchain? Do check out our blog on What is Blockchain Architecture? (Structure, Core Components and Benefits).

89 $1576 per year is the average cost of running a big mining operation. (Entrepreneur)
90 Miners receive 6.25 Bitcoins per new block in 2021. (Business Insider Africa)
91 Ether income for validators on average is 0.0075ETH per day in 2021. (Coindesk)
92 Verification of a Bitcoin transaction takes an average of 10 minutes. (Coin Central)
93 Crypto-jacking provides 4.32% of the total Monero cryptocurrency in circulation. (Coin Desk)
94 Crypto theft was down by almost 60% in 2020. (Security Magazine)
95 The global spending on blockchain tech is expected to grow to 15.9 billion by 2023 from 1.5 billion in 2018. (Statista)
96 4,504 Blockchain startups exist globally. (Angelist)
97 Experimentation with blockchain is done by 90% of North American and European banks. (Thomas Research)
98 Listings of Blockchain jobs on LinkedIn tripled between 2017 and 2018. (blocksocial)
99 Implementation of blockchain technology at a nationwide level was declared by the Chinese government. (blocksocial)
100 1,130 blockchain angel investors exist. (Angelist)

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics, Facts: In a Nutshell


Source: Giphy

All these facts and figures are ready to amaze you the most. Which one was your favorite? With all these facts and stats we can clearly see the rise of Bitcoin usage in the near future. Do you see cryptocurrency as one of the universally accepted payment methods?

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