Catching Attention: How To Build An Extraordinary UI Design For Mobile App That Grabs The Customers Attention Is A Blink!

Catching Attention: How To Build An Extraordinary UI Design For Mobile App That Grabs The Customers Attention Is A Blink!

How do you plan to draw the attention of your targeted audience for your mobile app?

For different people, there are different ways and opinion. There are people who prefer a unique feature loaded mobile app, some may prefer for exclusive designed user experience and user interface.The process can be anything, the app designers have to offer a seamless experience to the end users.

According to a research conducted by mobile app companies, 94% of the first impression comes from the mobile app design for the people. This statistics can very well make people understand the significance of user interface and user experience while designing app.

There are people who mix user interface with user experience concepts together. However, they are poles apart. User experience is based on enhancing the satisfaction level of customers and focuses on offering optimal usability and better access to the app. The UX design helps in creating brand awareness and user intend to identify product with the help of UX design.

When it comes to User interface, it aims at improving the user interaction through simple and sophisticated design. Ipad UI design agency consultants highlights that the goal of UI designer is to create user centered design. It is the user experience which relies heavily on an efficient UI design created by the designer.

Understanding UI as designing for some eye catching buttons for the app or easy navigation would be limiting its purview. UI design helps in understanding how well users connect to the app. UI gives a complete glance not only to the aesthetic beauty of the app but also emphasises  on the apps functionality. For an app to become successful, it has to be made user friendly and think about various aspects of designing such as placement of the button, call to action etc.

The importance of UI design is immense. This post is dedicated to highlight some of the inputs that can help in  making the UI attractive for the app.

Let us begin with our discussion:

  1. The UI designer should focus on clarity

Android app UI design agency professionals emphasis that to keep the UI designers upto the mark, adding visual element to the designing process is a must. They should focus on how the app would ultimately look as the real aim lies in establishing a connection with the users.

Offering a clear shape to the app design is an ideal way to enhance the brand awareness of the app. The UI design should not be confusing at all, it should be clear and precise. Create a language which is easily understandable with no room of ambiguity in the interface. Overcrowding the app with unnecessary word would create a negative impact, thus, it should be completely avoided.

  1. Use familiar buttons or call to actions

Several UI designers holds the view that implementing unique button and icon while designing the interface would be beneficial. There seems to be absolutely no problem in doing it,however, trying many things all the same time in the design can harm rather doing good. Create button which are easily understandable by using familiar choice of colour like red for delete button etc. It should always be kept in mind that the first timer should not find difficult to use the app, the call to action button should look similar like any other app.

  1. Speeding the app performance

Mobile app speed should never be slow. According to the survey conducted, approx 53% of users lose interest in the mobile app as soon as it slow. The app should have a good navigation system and should not lag behind in speed. A slow mobile app create a negative impression on the performance of the app. To combat that you can use the feedback option when the screen is loading. This make the users informed as to what is happening.

  1. Choosing appropriate sized font

Fonts has a crucial role to play in deciding the fate of the interface whether it is website or a mobile app. It is very important that UI designer have to be  clear for choosing the right font. Going for stylish fonts can hamper than doing good. In addition to it, the size of the font should match with the interface design as well as background colour. It should neither be too small for making it difficult to read the content or nor too large so that the content is difficult to adjust the entire content.

  1. Making it aesthetically pleasing

While implementing the best of the features and function of the app, it is really important to make the app aesthetically pleasing to the targeted audience in order to attract the attention of the users.

In order to attract attention, incorporating animation can enhance the app demand. The trend of static image has been replaced by motion pictures to grab the attention of the users. These little tricks in UI design can help in enhancing the performance of the app significantly.

  1. Follow the latest trend in UX/UI

It is very important on the part of the UI designers to make sure to keep themselves updated with the latest trend related to mobile app designing. The trend is constantly changing thus, it is really important to keep oneself updated. If you don’t follow the trend, your app design may lack the competition significantly.

  1. Conduct beta testing

Once the designing process is complete, designers should take a note of beta testing. The beta testing is essential in getting an idea of how the app design is working and what are the points that needed to be addressed. Assuming the app will become successful soon after the release can be a difficult affair. it would take time for users to understand and use the app for making it successful.


A good UI designer is capable to create a  mind blowing user interface for the app and immediately attract the attention of the users. Implement those features that fits with the criteria of a great product for the audience. One should focus on simplicity for making the design attractive.

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