
Top 8 Ways to Speed Up the Development Process of Your Mobile App

Posted: October 1, 2019

In our previous segment, we have tried giving you a rough estimation on how long does it take to develop an app. If you are planning an early launch t...

How Long Does It Take to Develop an App and Bring it to Market?

Posted: September 26, 2019

Our general answer to the entrepreneur asking how long does it take to develop an app is 4-6 months though the tenure depends a lot on the feature lis...

Top 10 mobile apps for an effortless Customer Management

Posted: September 20, 2019

Being an entrepreneur, you do not even get to see the daylights. There is a number of aspects bound with a business. You have to invest hours in plann...

How do you create an app for your travel business?

Posted: September 19, 2019

How do you create an app depends a lot upon the type of business you run and people you want to target. I still remember arranging trips a decade ago!...

Why is Serverless Architecture Booming in App Development Realm?

Posted: September 17, 2019

Serverless architecture is gradually becoming a broadly accepted approach for App development. Going serverless does not mean there is no involvement ...

How to Generate an Interesting App Idea That Works? | Unique App Ideas

Posted: September 16, 2019

Generating an app idea can be daunting at first. You have to look at your own interest and see what’s missing in the market. What you enjoy working ...

10 Apps Senior Citizens Must Try in 2019

Posted: September 12, 2019

Mobiles have become ingrained in our lifestyle. Thinking of spending a single day without a mobile device can scare some of us. It is our everyday com...

Why is Python a great programming language for giants like Google, Facebook etc.?

Posted: September 10, 2019

Python is an object-oriented high-level programming language which is built-in data structures blended with dynamic typing and binding; heavily used f...

A to Z Guide to Effectively Bring Your Mobile App to Use

Posted: September 9, 2019

Businesses are nowadays counting on mobile app development hugely due to a great influence of mobile phones in our routine activities. From an ordinar...

Why hire a freelancer when hiring a company at the same cost is a choice?

Posted: September 6, 2019

Nowadays we find most of the people using supplemental gig work in order to receive some extra funds when a 9 to 5 job is inefficient to meet their ex...

20 Must-have Features to Step Up Your Retail Business Through Mobile App

Posted: September 4, 2019

Mobile technologies have opened a myriad of opportunities for businesses and past few years have been a clear evidence. The notion applies greatly on ...

10 Best Practices for an Effective Mobile App Onboarding

Posted: August 24, 2019

We have grown up listening First impression is the last impression. True enough in the case of your online presence these days! Failing to offer a gre...

Everything We Know About Android Q’s Amazing Features So Far

Posted: July 17, 2019

Android Q is the seventeenth version of the Android mobile operating system which is going to release in the third quarter of the running year 2019. T...

5 Music Apps that You must Download Today to Enjoy a Unique Music Experience

Posted: July 13, 2019

I am no music person but one of my friends has a great taste in music. There was a time when we shared almost the same playlist. To many people, music...

4 Popular Dating Apps & Reasons Behind Their Success

Posted: July 12, 2019

Dating apps have given us many overwhelming and successful love stories. Thousands of people have met their soulmates through online dating and have s...

Know These 5 Instagram Trends to Skyrocket Engagement This Year

Posted: July 11, 2019

Instagram Marketing in 2019 is taking a new route all together where people are more interested in Stories rather than Feeds and Micro influencer inst...

Using Pharmacy Software for Your Business: Modules, Features, and Profits

Posted: July 10, 2019

If you own a pharmacy of even an average size and stock, catering even a 70-80 customers on a daily basis, then there is no point explaining you the h...

5 Best Android Cache Cleaners in 2019

Posted: July 9, 2019

Android smartphones promise to deliver everything worldly on our fingertips. Music, movies, games, shopping, you name it, and the play store will show...