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Crafting a Professional Email Address

Crafting a Professional Email Address

In today’s digital world, you have to have an email address for your brand in order to reach out to your potential customers as well as regular customers/ clients if you already have a brand.

And if you have a professional email address, you want your email to be clicked on and opened- that is the chief purpose of your email after all- people previewing your email and you get to convey what you need to- be it regular customers or potential- you would want your email to be read.

But what do people look for in an email? What makes them open an email?

According to a study, about 42% of people look for the sender or the name on the email address before making up their mind. There are around 34% of people who look for the subject line to decide whether they want to open an email or not. And only 24% of people actually preview the email to find out what it is conveying.

What do we get from the data above?

The importance of crafting a professional email address.

In online business, people are interacting over the internet. Trust is a very important factor here as people are not always interacting person to person. Email thus becomes the prime channel for business-client interaction.

So if you are taking your professional email address lightly- it is advisable to not do that. No client would go for an email address that is not compelling enough.

So, here are the four golden rules to get your professional email address market-ready

Rule #1: Consistent Branding

Whether you can go by your name, or you have opted for a registered company name- being consistent in branding is very important. It will not only help your brand be recognised over time, but it also help your regular customers keep up with you.

Changing the name of your brand often can lead to an inconsistent client- business relationship and you obviously do not want that. It might also lead you to lose potential clients- especially those who have recommended your service- you keep your branding consistent and they find you easily. As simple as that.

Remember, a professional email address that is consistent with your brand and which uses the same domain name as your website and shop front builds trust and trust is everything when it comes to online business.

Rule #2: Keep It Standard

Sometimes it is better to choose a more conservative approach while formatting your professional email. Sometimes, it is better to stick with a familiar approach, not only does familiarity breed trust, but people are more likely to remember your email address.

Keeping a standard professional email can help you build your first impression as well- it seems more professional.

Here are some common formats-

First Name + Domain-

The most popular of all formats, (First Name + @Domain.com) is the format people are most familiar with. Check your own inbox and you will find that most of the emails follow the format above.

First Name + Surname Initial + Domain-

The second most popular format is to use your first name together with the initial of your surname with the domain. This helps when people want to send a specific person at a company an email- but do not know the person’s full name. This format turns out to be extremely useful.

First Name Initial + Surname + Domain-

In this format, the surname is revealed, in case you share the same name with someone else.

Full Name + Domain

Finally, the format to use if you want to make your name the brand. Use your full name with your domain and that’s all it takes.

Rule #3: Personalise for the Purpose

You want your professional email address to stand out, so you need to personalise it. And you should personalise it in a way that serves your company’s purpose.

If you personalise your professional email just for the sake of it- that would not be very wise and that is not professional either.

Creating certain email addresses for all the different purposes of your company can prove to be a smart choice- you don’t need to keep tabs on the official email addresses of other companies and you don’t need to think too hard. Just choose more than one.

Rule #4: Create a Professional Email Address Signature

Want your professional email to seem impressive? Then opting for an email signature might be the best option for you. It is impressive and personalising, plus, you do not need to be an expert to get an email signature-  there are plenty of companies that offer email signature templates.

So, we have learnt that for a successful professional email, you need to

– Keep it consistent with your brand

– Carefully consider the standard your company is to use while creating email addresses- keeping the current position and the future as your company grows

– Personalise the email address for every purpose.

That is all you need to take in for creating your professional email address and being confident about it.


Read More: Vervelogic

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