CRM force for Today-SALESFORCE

CRM force for Today-SALESFORCE

Salesforce was a company that originated in February 1999 in San Francisco, California. It aims to fulfill the process and techniques related to Customer relationship management by providing CRM software that focuses on sales, market, business, and customers of course.

Out of all the other CRM software what makes salesforce better is its varied features like contact management, workflow creation, task management, opportunity tracking, collaboration tools, customer engagement tools, analytics, an intuitive, mobile-ready dashboard, etc.

The highlight of the above two paragraphs is CRM software. You may wonder about what CRM actually is. It is described as customer relationship management. So before moving forward let’s have an insight into CRM. Customer relationship management is basically a process or technique followed to build a healthy relationship between the customers and the respective organization.

Salesforce is basically a CRM tool that facilitates customer relationships.

Cloud technology used in CRM software of salesforce highlights it from other different companies. It eases the interaction with all the potential and regular customers.

The vision of the company

The vision of the company is to provide great benefits to their clients by providing them with solutions to their respective problems. Salesforce is a platform for innovation.

Why Salesforce?

Well, if you think about why to choose salesforce then it is because of the various benefits it provides which are as follows-

1.  Team Cooperation-

For the persuasive functioning of any organization, teamwork is required.  When you work in a team you give better outputs.

The chatter feature available in salesforce helps in communication with the members of the team from where ever you are. With that, you can connect with your individual team members and can have more clarity about your clients and their requirements.

All these things will be beneficial in your better understanding of your work.

2. Trustworthy information-

You can trust the information delivered by salesforce.

Salesforce keeps a track of your data and collects all the details of the business from varied platforms.

3. Customer satisfaction-

CRM is all about customer satisfaction and salesforce is one of the greatest CRM tools that give the greatest customer satisfaction.

Salesforce not only maintain the already existing customers but also recruits new customers by maintaining customer relations.

4. Growth in revenue-

Nowadays every single business in the world runs on money. Salesforce allows you to save your time and that you can use in any other productive work which indirectly will increase revenue. For example, you are most likely sorting through this data manually, and this is more time spent on administrative work as opposed to building customer relationships.

5. Immediate accessibility-

Because of the cloud technology in this software, it is available anywhere at any time and can be accessible in any software.

Values on which Salesforce stands

Every company runs on its own values and ethics which strive for a company to get success. Similarly, salesforce also has some of its core values which bring every employee of salesforce together and inspire them to be better each day.

1. Customers are the first priority-

Customers are the basic unit of any organization and for salesforce, customers are their first priority. When customers become satisfied with the work then they become satisfied.

2. Building faith in all the team members-

Developing faith in all the internal and external parts of the salesforce like employees, customers, and staff is important. They do this by providing one of the best and most trusted infrastructures of all time.

3. Everybody is given equal chance-

Everyone deserves an equal chance and so everybody is given equal chance.

When every individual is heard and valued in an organization then there are more ideas and thoughts which when combined can give better output.

4. Innovate every day-

Every member of the salesforce works together as a team and brings change every day. For every input salesforce gets from their customers they try to convert it into the best possible output.

5. We are Family-

Not just a company that is working professionally, salesforce is also kind of a family of all the workers, employees, and even customers. They make sure to provide the best services to their clients and at the same time, they also make sure to have fun together.


Whether it is about the values, salesforce follows or the benefits it provides through its services every unique thing makes it stand out from other similar companies.

Salesforce is one of the greatest platforms when it comes to CRM technology.

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