F2P Game Design: Top 10 Ways To Use Messaging As A Tool To Attract Mobile Game Players

F2P Game Design: Top 10 Ways To Use Messaging As A Tool To Attract Mobile Game Players

To make a free to play game successful and popular among players requires to get the grip on players attention by effective messaging. Messaging in any form such as push notification, update prompts, offers or daily bonus can create excitement among players. However, messaging done inappropriately can take you in the loss pit and you will lose all your hard earned players.

Messaging done in gaming, intends to prompt players to take necessary call to action. To make players take your intended action, requires players to be engaged with the game productively.

This post is dedicated to provide 10 important tips for effective messaging that can enhance player retention on your game.

  1. Do not go overboard with messaging

Top Developers working on game development on android platforms suggests, to be limited in messaging. Too much nagging can make the player irritated and move to the next game. Therefore, the scheduling of the messages should be balanced to strike a cord in players effectively.

  1. Focus on difficulty curve

In order to make players highly engaged in the game, it is important to balance the threshold of engagement. Developers can use analytics and players relationship management tool to find out the behaviour of the players in various segments of the game. This result can be useful in shaping the game based on the response of the users. In case, a segment of the game is difficult for the player, give them tips. This way their engagement would increase.

  1. Tailor your message

Segmentation tools used in analysing the game help in sending tailored messages that can help players in the game. Developers can setup behavioural triggers to send messages at the time when players leave the game like when their resource is exhausted or their mission failed.

  1. Finding the right voice

The voice of the messages sent should be inclined with the mood of your game and the defined audience. Marketing tips can be adopted to address players persona and create message accordingly. Keeping voice consistent will make players recognize the brand and creates a great impression.

  1. Don’t be bossy

Top iphone game developers from various part of the world suggest that every players wants to have the freedom to discover the game they are playing. No matter the voice of message you adopt, make sure not to command any instruction. It is better to provide tips and hints which will look less bossy and more interesting.

  1. Knowledge about when to keep the player alone

Sending message does not mean to disturb the users at any hour of the day or night. Testing is needed to understand when to send the message, frequency and time of the day. You can give players the control about when they want to receive the notification from your end. This is a great way to make them hooked to you!

  1. Pitching about what comes next!

Giving players a glimpse of what is to come next can attract them to return again and again. Use in game messaging to flash new unlockable items or fun new level in the game.

  1. Don’t ask for payment at early stage

The trick is to keep the player hooked to your game. Having high level of engagement can turn in conversion but asking for payment in initial phase can ruin things completely. A relationship should be established within the player and game which can further convert in payment.

  1. Optimizing in app purchase and ads

Despite having a great messaging campaign, not all players will be interested in in-app purchase. It is beneficial to use game analytics to see the response rate of the player and then tailor the monetization strategy that suits the style of the player.

  1.  Testing is the key!

To know how much is your efforts paying to you, it is important to do rigorous testing. Use A/B testing to try different setups and just keep testing to find the best one that suits your needs.


Getting players engaged requires a tailor made channel of communication. There are many kinds of analytical tools that can help in finding the various components of your game that speaks for your F2P players. Get the data and structure your messaging accordingly, in order to generate great results.

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