How to Build a Team Task Management App That can Boost your Employees Productivity

How to Build a Team Task Management App That can Boost your Employees Productivity

Being a business owner, your employee’s productivity might concern you a little & that is why project management is often discussed in various enterprises as it can be key to success. The important thing here is that every project leaves a learning experience, from which a good team and learn even after failures. Technology is already helping businesses from time to time, and with team task management apps you can easily fill the loopholes in the system for superb efficiency. So, the best solution can be to design an application that is equipped with the required features and usability for better productivity.

What Kinds of Task Management Software for Teams are there?

There are many task management software in the market that can be helpful for such tasks. But the crucial thing here is to understand the technology & working behind developing this kind of software. Usually, AGILE is among the most popular development methods that are used for such software development. It replaced WATERFALL in the year 2011 as AGILE was quick in responding with fast changes. Since then SCRUM & Kanban became popular Agile models.

After some time Atlassian came forth with Jira which became the first task management software. The other popular platforms include Asana and Target process. But before choosing the one for your organization you must answer the following questions to find which among them is best suited for your business.

-> What type of task management app should be built?

-> The application should be on Scrum, Kanban, or both?

-> What technology to be chosen?

-> How will it be beneficial for the company?

These criteria should be met to find the most impactful software for your company or to be designed with ease. Developing an application which entertains companies all problems is the most suitable decision that you can ever make.

What Should a Team Task Management App Help You With?

Most of the task management apps are designed to make to-do lists, creating tasks, sharing files, assigning and scheduling tasks. But when it comes to designing the application that it is more than this.

1. Planning Application Development

You have to access potential cost & revenue. It will give you a clear picture of how to move forward with the development. There are a few ways to study the format and thus have to be careful with the analysis too.

-> A strategic view of the project should be analyzed. Try to create sharable & detailed road maps.

-> Estimate the profit of the project. You also need to find the development costs depending on the number of hours that are required to develop the software.

-> You can find applications like Confluence where you can determine the capacity of the team.

-> Software like Clarion is used for effective planning of the budget that is required to accomplish the project.

-> Another important aspect is risk management. You have to find the software that can overcome the potential risks engaged in the projects.

-> If you are able to find all these features in a single software, then it can save you a lot of time.

2. Reporting on Projects

The perfect task management app detects the number of tasks and distributes them amongst the team members and even supervises the progress of the same. This application can be equipped with an informative dashboard that can easily create pie & bar charts to make the data simple. Asana is perfect for such context.

You have to find an application that should cover things like reporting of the project on time, obstacles experienced & accounting for all the amendments that are made. Such features can be beneficial for companies and big organizations. You have seen many successful applications like Office 365 & Google Sheets.

3. Communication on a Project

Communication is a really important aspect for any organization and without it, any project can fail and take time miserably. The team members can miss the communication or gaps and it is very easy to miss important information if you don’t have efficient software. The task management software enables comments, real-time chat, and view segments so the employees can easily communicate and remain in touch while working on a project and the task will be accomplished properly. The mobile app can be designed on the lines of the web app with all or fewer features.

4. Explaining How Single Tasks Contribute to the Company’s Mission

The best thing about task management tools is the subtasks and dependencies are great tools in this segment. This allows how the tasks are capable of blocking other tasks. This allows the employees to focus on a single task as there will be no interference. This will also make the team members will be shown on the same road map while working to get efficient tasks.

5. Meeting Deadlines

Deadlines can be met only when the team is providing regular reminders or notifications. Any team member can miss their task if not notified. The notifications in the management software can keep the task up-to-date with the deadline and they can effectively achieve the desired task on time. Prioritizing tasks can be an effective way to achieve the end too.

6. Helping Team

While developing a team task management application the team of developers can feel down & boring. So you need to constantly motivate them to perform their tasks. Encouragement & Appreciation should be there. These ongoing tasks will make things easy for them to create an amazing application for your business.

7. Uniting all the tools in a single user-friendly interface

Using various user-friendly interfaces in the application is a good idea. Having a single interface that has all the required functionality of the app will be less hectic. Popular tools should be integrated and a single software should be designed with all the functionalities.

You can outsource this development to app development is also a good idea as it can save your organization time, cost, energy, and expertise to develop such applications. With their experience in the field, you will have an app with great features.

Read More: Vervelogic

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