How To Choose The Perfect Colour Palette For Your Website?

How To Choose The Perfect Colour Palette For Your Website?

It takes several steps to create a fascinating website design. Along with the design element, branding also plays a pivotal role in making a website really enticing for users. Even if you are designing a website for some other company or for your own business, it is vital to choose the right colour palette. Colour has a very strong influence to create on the mind of the audience. Without reading a word, colour palette has a power to influence the website users.

While colour has a such a significant role to play, choosing the right colour is one hell of a task!


Don’t be. We are here for your rescue!

This post is dedicated for giving some quick tips for choosing right colour palette for your website using psychological studies and colour theory.

Let us dig-in in the world of colour:

  • Understanding what emotion the colour you choose can evoke

Designers from top website development company suggest that before marketers give their green signal to any particular colour palette, it is very important to analyse the effect of the colour. Every colour in itself has an impact to create, therefore, before implementing any colour it is vital to understand what kind of feeling it creates. It may sound silly for many people, but understanding  the psychology of colour will help in choosing simply the best for your website.

The colours used in the logo are not done in a casual fashion. Brand like coca cola, facebook or apple use colour like red, white, blue which are not chosen on a casual basis. These big brands use these colour palette because these colours stands for what they want their audience to understand.

Now, if you think you are confused and don’t know from where to begin, begin with playing around with some online colour tools. There are plenty of these tools around, use them and get yourself sure about the colour palette you want to use and its significant effect.

  • Choose the dominant colour

Once you have got a fair idea about the colour you want to go ahead with, consider choosing the dominant colour from the palette of your choice. Dominant colour would be the one that your users would recognise you. They would recognize your website and business card with the colour you choose, thus, it is really important to choose the right colour.

There are no definite number for choosing dominant colour, however, choosing two dominant colour can prove to be sufficient. One more important aspect to consider here is out of two dominant colours, one of them will be used more as compared to the other in the branding material. It can be in website, branding materials or anywhere else.

The two dominant colour chosen for the palette should either be complementary or contrast. Both the colour should not overshadow each other at any point of time. If in any case, you can play with tints and shades to get a balance equation between the two.

  • Choose the accent colour  

Ace designers from website designing company in jaipur highlights the importance of choosing the right accent colour for your website. Accent colour holds a very significant position. It is supposed to draw the attention of the user’s eye to an area which you intend to highlight. A poor choice of accent colour can make your website loose some good amount of opportunity that you wanted to gain from the colour. Usually accent colour are lot bold than the chosen dominant colour.

In website, accent colours are generally implemented in website navigation menu, call to action and other crucial elements of the website.

Applying with 60-30-10 rule

Once the colour palette is chosen, it is time to implement these colour in your website design. The way the colours are implemented also hold some significance, thus, prefer using the popular 60-30-10 rule of implementation. This rule implies implement 60 percent of dominant colour, 30 percent of secondary colour and 10 percent of accent colour.

Implementing colour by these can help you get a balanced colour palette for your website that can attract users significantly.

Are you ready for it?

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