Increase App Engagement And User Retention With These Simple Ways

Increase App Engagement And User Retention With These Simple Ways

The development of any mobile application does not finish the task. It would only make you  arrive halfway to your destination. App engagement is the major aspect that professional android application development companies have to think upon. Your application should have great design and it should be responsive in all aspects. Let’s have an eye on what is the difference between App engagement and User retention.

  • App engagement- It describes how much active are users on the application.
  • User retention- It is the percentage of users of an application who make a return to the app after three months of first session.

It has been found out that user abandonment is increasing years after year. It was 20% in 2014 whereas rose to around 25% in the following year. The prime cause is users now have a lot of options on their fingertips. If an app requires paid subscription then users make a switch to another application. However, there is a set of ways by which User engagement can be increased.

Ensure easy onboarding-

Many professional android application development companies suggest easy on boarding. An easier signup and information fetching decreases abandonment rates to a great extent. Do not involve too much information fields. Involve frictionless onboarding by making account creation easy. Offer education to the users as the app loads. Do not ask for too much information from the user as it confuses them. Ask fro a required amount of information so that the user may not abandon the app in minutes.


Personalization helps a lot in determining user’s needs and experiences. You can personalize the user experience by introducing the required notifications including names so that the users could wish to continue. Push notifications that are relevant to the user and he/she will definitely start remaining engaged with the app.

Push notifications-

The statistics have shown that Push notification have shown 56% to 180% improvement in user retention. Push messaging serves an important function. If implemented properly, it can also help you with targeting messages on the basis of user preferences. It provides users with a reason to come back.  Through push notifications, you can make users ware of new events and deals. It basically prompts users to come back to visit your app. There is a good amount of response you receive when you send a blanket push notification. Increase user retention and engagement with sending out Push notification.

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4 thoughts on “Increase App Engagement And User Retention With These Simple Ways

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