The Start-Up Click: 40 Best App Ideas For Start-Up

The Start-Up Click: 40 Best App Ideas For Start-Up

When it comes to app start-up, there are the few questions that need to be answered before your app hits the market and these questions often decide whether the app is going to take a flight or eventually crash.

What the app can offer

Is the app needful?

Will the app hit the market?

Is the app relevant in current times?

So here are some awesome app ideas for your start-up business

1) Blockchain Tax/Invoicing App

One of the best android app ideas for expense management can be Blockchain Tax App. A blockchain tax app calculates how much tax the user is supposed to pay according to his/her income and ensure that the correct amount of app is always paid.

The app is developed using various blockchain frameworks viz. smartcontract, ethereum and hyperledger.

If the app can generate invoices, then your business financial hassles become much easier. You can calculate the taxes as well as generate invoices for all your business transactions. With the help of custom software development services, this app idea turns even better.

2) Restaurant Reservation App(AI based)

When it comes to sudden dining plans, why miss it if you cannot decide where to go, or simply do not know where to go? An app that would be able to provide the users with the graphical layout of the restaurants and pubs in the nearby area and the user would be able to book a table for a particular time in advance.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, the spp would be able to memorise the user’s preferences and suggest accordingly.

3) Local Food Delivery

A local food delivery app can provide food delivery from nearby restaurants at cheap rates. All the user has to do is to opt for the restaurant and food item to be delivered and fill in the pick-up location or address details.

4) Health Inspector

How about an app that can notify the users when they require a health check-up. Not much is needed, just a few health-related details every day. The app can even inspect how much distance the user has covered on foot.

On a more advanced level, such apps can even suggest diets and exercises and book appointments with doctors.

With people’s growing concern regarding their health, a health inspector app is sure to fly high in the market.

5) Truckloader With Geo-Tracking

People are wanting to deliver goods or shift to places in a short time, but getting the right service at the right time can be challenging, your app can be the saviour here. How about a truck loader app with geo-tracking to provide the users with the list of available vehicles for loading goods and let the users track the vehicle location? It has the potential to hit the market.

6) Gift Shop(With A Twist)

Not everyone has the privilege to spend quality time with their near and dear ones. So why not buy them a gift- a reminder to them that they are special? An app that connects gift shop retailers with the users and has the purchased gift delivered at the receiver’s address is a great idea, especially for people who rarely get to see their loved ones.

It would be even better if the app is AI-based, this way, the app can suggest gifts according to the receiver’s preferences as well as offer great discounts.

7) Dating and Matrimony

Another hit if done the right way. The online dating business is growing and in a country like India, the matrimonial sites are a hot potato. An app that finds matches, based on personality, hobbies, class and even professions. For instance, a college professor can be matched with a school teacher, another professor or even a doctor, it depends.

And if the job is done right and your app can protect the privacy of its users well, then why not give it a shot?

8) Tour and Travel

Yes, 2020 came with a blow on the tour and travel industry, but the tour and travel business has, like always, proved to be a tough cookie, it is raising its head again, above all challenges.

Why not develop an app that not only guarantees safety and takes necessary precautionary measures but also is able to give a graphical layout of all the places to visit in a foreign land, popular as well as lesser-known gems.

9) Rate and Earn

An app that invites users to review newly launched apps in return for certain money and gift voucher- such a blockchain app can be very profitable if it is marketed well. You can even get such apps developed by a reliable blockchain development company.

10) Scan For Safety

Who would not want to be alerted if criminals are around? So you can even go for an app that allows the users to see if any wanted criminal is hiding in their area or even nearby areas. In fact, this police app could even keep a database of criminal activities regularly updated by users and professionals. In fact, the users would be able to quickly press an alert button that would immediately inform the police and show them location through the GPS.

11) From House To Home

Another excellent idea for an app-based startup can be an AI-based interior designer app that suggests wallpapers, wall paint, textures, furniture types, flooring and gets better as it picks on to the user’s choices and preferences.

12) Security Comes First

There are several security devices used by numerous shop owners, especially shops that hold precious items for sale or simply display. Now, think about an app that can control all the security systems of the users through wifi, show camera footage on phone, including answering the doors sense the activities of lockers and safe. Yes, such an app would be popular among retail shop owners and banks.

13) Saved In App

We often find ourselves in situations where we need to save some things written on paper. An app that would do that for the users would be a blessing. How about an app that would read the number or text on paper and save it for further references, additionally, the app would also find word meanings and origins of the text. Now, that’s a camera-based revolutionary app.

14) Turning Team Presentation Easier

Team presentation has always been a difficult task. Here, you can come up with an app that skips the traditional and monotonous methods of team presentation and instead collaborates all the team members using Cloud API  to make online team involvement more connected and fun. Distributed storage can be a great addition.

15) Find Parking Space

Yes, finding a parking space is a task in today’s era, so an app that does that for you is sure to win downloads at a velocity higher than the crawling Monday traffic. GPS would be on duty of course.

16) Chatbots

Almost all the  AI-based e-commerce or service-based apps prefer chatbots over confusing and sometimes futile customer care calls and emails. You can develop AI-based chatbots that are not only adaptive and smart but also hold features like non-robotic voice, purchase-related games etc.

17) A Helping Hand To Musicians

An app especially developed and designed for budding as well as seasoned musicians, its features can include finding perfect bandwidth or even suggesting tunes and modifications.

18) Socialising All In One

Developing an app that allows all the social networking sites to be available at one page can quickly grow popular, it is no surprise that social networking is a craze among the younger generation and they probably would want to skip the tedious process of finding each app and scrolling through pages.

19) An App For Music Lovers

An app that allows its users to share their music tastes, songs and some playlists through any online messaging app can be a blessing, add to that the privilege of song downloads, paid permission of making remixes and creating reviews and podcasts.

20) On The Line

Sometimes people need to visualize who is on the other side of the call. Why not develop a futuristic app that does just that for its users? An app that would emit ultrasound through the phone’s speakers and show the image of the object through the received reflected sound.

21) It’s Selfie Time

Let’s admit it, people are crazy for selfies and that can be a good startup opportunity for you if you can come up with an app that holds competitions against users and scan angles and image to decide who has taken the best selfie.

22) The AI Helpline

An AI-based app that brings help at the door of every user in need. An app that would allow the user to call for every help like plumber, mechanic etc, even a text would be sufficient and if a monthly visit is required, your  AI-based app would be able to memorise the schedule and make call suggestions likewise.

23) Disaster Alert

Natural disasters are a concern, they have been forever so. That can provide you with the opportunity to create an app that can alert people of any upcoming natural calamity or estimate one through analysed weather reports and changes.

24) Immediate Invitations

Spontaneity is the new go and it is more popular among young-adults so, coming up with an app that enables its users to send invitations for parties, events and even emergency meetings would be a great idea.

25) Tips For Business

How about an offline-based app that regularly updates and generates tips and possible solutions for various business situations and scenarios? I guess you can go for it.

26) A Virtual Cook

An intelligent cooking app that would not come up with recipes with the ingredients the user chooses, but also recommend and help the users create new recipes. Sounds like a daily struggle solved.

27) Public Transport

An app that can help out people, especially those new to public transports or in the region itself can be a hit in the market. You can come up with an app that shows times and destinations of busses that stop at the bus stand(s) registered in the app as well as give its users an estimation of shared taxi or travel cabs available.

28) Camera That Syncs

As the title suggests, an app that syncs two or more cameras so that you know how you look in the picture being taken by someone else before it’s clicked. And those photogenic faces can thank you for that.

29) Smart Receipt

We misplace and lose many things and receipts are one of them, so why not come up with an app that generates and stores online receipts, even captures pictures of receipts and saves them? A very useful app.

30) Finding Song

No, it’s not the sequel or prequel of ‘Finding Nemo’, but it is a startup idea about developing an app that can find songs based on words and lyrics if typed and if you can go an extra mile, how about recognising and finding songs for the users through tunes?

31) Make A Wish

Or maybe a goal. Developing an app that first registers the users’ ultimate wish or goal and provides tips and finds information about people successful in the field/goal, pretty much acting like a guidance app for its users so that they can stay motivated and achieve their goals can be a great leap in the app industry.

32) Alien-pedia

Who isn’t into knowing and digging up more about ‘life outside the Earth’? Barely a few. Now, think of developing an app that can provide it’s users all the possible pieces of information regarding aliens and keeps updating the information. Also, allows the users to update on what they know and think of aliens, pretty fun and informative.

33) Online Tutoring App

As simple but much needed as it sounds, why not develop an app that connects teachers and students online, can records classes/sessions and even allows to exchange assignments and interact with other students and teachers. Basically what students and teachers need in 2020.

34) Thought Detecting App

Not literally reading people’s thoughts, that would need a bit more research by the psychologists and scientists but an app that can detect people’s thoughts through status and ‘descriptions’ sounds a pretty fun idea for creating an app with potential.

35) Card Games

Not just those average online card games, surprise the market with virtual, interactive card games that make the online experience a bit more life-like.

36) Keep It Original

An app that can help find the users if the items they are purchasing online is authentic, that’s a definite hit.

37) Life Hacks

A video, audio and text-based app that makes life a bit easier, by offering simple life-saving hacks- like burn cake surface? Just slice off the upper portion.

38) I’ve Been There

How about an app in which the users would be able to pinpoint all the locations where they have been and even give some suggestions to those who want to go and discover.

39) Launcher

There are already many launchers in the market. But how about developing an app that combines all the major features of potential launchers. It will only get better.

40) Flashbacks

An app that can retrieve deleted items from the gadget, yes, an essential app with a lot of potential. Developing such an app will not only be helpful but also popular, you can even offer in-app purchases.

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