To Do Or Not To Do: How To Determine The Right Time For Launching Mobile App?
Increasing inclination on mobile technology, easy access to high speed internet and a lot of technological innovations has resulted to an atmosphere of mobile world. Not only individuals are extensively using mobile device for their personal usage but the brands are also increasing their investment in mobile app development to grab the full potential of the customers using mobile devices and bring a spurt of profit in the business as well.
According to a survey conducted by app development company, Â mobile market is worth of 88.3 billion US dollars which makes it really enticing for brands to make their mark and harness the potential.
While deciding about launching a mobile app is easy but the most difficult part is to analyse when to launch the mobile app?, what can be the right time to make an investment in the mobile app?
Now you must be thinking what is the matter with time?
The answer to this is, mobile a app market is flooded with competition which is increasing with each passing day, therefore, timing of the app matters the most. Launching an app at the right time can bring success and money while otherwise, it can become a loss venture. Even if your app is superbly designed, launching the app at right time is really needed.
This post is dedicated in stating about how to analyse the right time for launching the mobile app.
- Understanding the users buying cycle
Developers from android app development company in jaipur suggest that in order to make your app reach to the mobile phone of your targeted users, it is highly needed to understand the buying cycle of the users. Every individual has its own cycle of downloading and installing new apps. There are one type of users who prefer to check out every kind of app in 1-2 weeks, while the others prefer installing new apps at the beginning of a month and or some may stay from app stores months after months.
This means that marketers will have to put its best efforts to analyse the market and find out the buying practice of the targeted market and then launch the app accordingly.
- Understanding the type of service
Decide on whether your app will be used for seasonal sale or any special event or it can be used on daily basis can have really significant effect on the revenue generated by the app. For example, if you app is about asian game and you launch it after the asian game are over, then obviously you app will not perform well. Thus, it is really important or app marketers to analyse app service type and then decide on the launch time of the app.
Android app design service professionals suggest that if your app is on a seasonal basis, consider launching it before the season arrives. This will create that much needed hype for your app in the market resulting in increased amount of downloads. This idea should be implemented for any type of app which is about to be launched for its better success rate.
- Check on the day, week and month
The time of the year, month and week also has serious impact on the success of the app. According to research conducted app marketing agencies, the best months to launch your app is december and february. This is that time of the year when marketing buy cost gets high which enhances the app success. On the flip side, august is the cheapest month of the year to enter the mobile market. However, the outcome the installation are much slower in this period.
Another research conducted revealed that weekends are the best launch new apps and features. Weekends are users break time from the daily life and would be eager to try something new.
Here’s some categories for the best days to launch for higher downloads and revenue:
- Business apps: expected higher downloads on tuesday and thursday
- Educational apps: higher tractions on weekend
- Health and fitness app: high download rate in the beginning and end of the week
- Music apps: Although these apps are downloaded, the graph of the download is highest on tuesday and saturday
- News based apps: Download every day
- Productivity app: gets download every day
- Social networking app: higher download on weekends
- Entertainment app: high download and revenue on  weekend
- Finance app: high download and revenue on weekend
- Game app: high traffic on saturday
Some other tips:
Launching a mobile app also depends on the app the store that you prefer to choose. For example releasing app in google play store, the bad day to launch day the app is thursday and for apple app store it stands to be on friday.
While selecting any particular day make sure that no tech giant is coming with any new update on that very day or else your app will remain in the background.
Developing a mobile app is the most essential element in online marketing arena which is highly profitable but really expensive. A single mistake can give you a set back of thousands of dollars in a go. Therefore, it is important to take every step strategically. Keep the above factors mentioned in your mind while you are about to decide the launch date for your app.