Top 5 Mobile Application Development Trends Ruling in 2019

Top 5 Mobile Application Development Trends Ruling in 2019

We have crossed four months of the year 2019. There are people who must have experienced big changes in their lives but most of us are treading the same old way from office to home and home to office. The things are not seen the same in the mobile application development industry through. We have new implications of IoT, VR, AR, Machine learning, AI and more technologies. The number of mobile phone users is risen to 2.7 billion and the penetration of mobile devices in our lives is steadily increasing.

Whether you go to a retail store or sitting at home playing a game, you are surrounded by advanced technologies. It was two years ago when, an Ecommerce giant came up with Amazon Go which are physical shops with no shopkeepers. It has made a wise usage of several algorithms, computer vision, sensor fusion to automate check-in, purchase and check-out. In the first month of 2019, the number of locations of Amazon Go has increased to 10 and is expected to go over 2000 in coming 10 years. This was just an example of penetration of technologies in one field. It is clearly thriving and replacing human efforts on a large scale now.

We have already heard about IoT, Machine learning, Augmented reality(AR), Virtual Reality (VR) etc. but we need to remain updated of the advancement. With the technological advancement and newly build inventions coming to our day to day lives, we can think that 2019 is going to be a year of mobile applications.

It is going to be an era of AR/VR

If you are a Snapchat or Instagram user, then you must have enjoyed AR filters that are capable of turning human face into funny characters. AR and VR both are taking place in our lives and we are finding them cool enough. There are tons of use cases being created by the tech giants Apple and Google. It is also predicted that these technologies will be seen on more social networking sites. The AR and VR trends 2019 include Mobile AR disruption, AR in health care, Marketing and Advertising and manufacturing. According to a study published on Statista, the Global market of Augmented and Virtual Reality will experience an exponential rise from $27 billion dollars in the year 2018 to $209 billion in 2022.

Game changer in the world of mobile applications – Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT seems an old term now but definitely not obsolete, infact emerging with the plethora of devices out there in the market. Samsung, Bosch, Xiaomi and other giants are holding a huge market share through these devices but the collaboration of mobile application development and IoT is something that has been continuously in trend since last year with Google home, Nest smart home and more such devices coming into the market which are connected with your smart phones.  

For those who are slightly less aware of the technology, we would like to tell you that IoT is a network of things basically. All of these have an IP address and these do communicate with each other through mobile applications. Suppose if we talk about future Smart homes, here all the major systems in your house like Lights, Gas, Air conditioner, Heater etc are intelligent and operating through a program receiving user’s instructions. Statista reported that “The global smart home market is forecasted to grow to around 40.9 billion U.S. dollars till 2020 and the overall global revenue of the smart home automation market is projected to reach 20.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2020.”

IoT is going to touch new heights in the year 2019. The future trends include Smart areas, Smart homes, Self driven cars and more in healthcare and educational sectors.

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning digging deeper into Mobile Apps

AI and machine learning have entered even more in the mobile application industry in 2018. With the innovation like Chatbots and Siri, the collaboration of Machine learning and AI has been seen. According to a study conducted by IDC, 75% of the ERP users will make the use of capabilities of AI to increase their efficiency & proficiency at workplace. The future trends of AI include AI automated DevOps, Interoperability among neural networks and AI-enabled chips.

Some years ago, AI was just like a science fiction but now its application in the real world is exciting. From predictive modeling to chatbots, the researchers and developers are finding out inventive ways to make use of AI for serving clients better. The classification of AI and machine learning in the mobile app industry can be classified from weak to strong. It is incorporating automated reasoning for the quick solution of problems. You now receive personalized notification on your phones based on your behaviour and search history which is also happening due to AI algorithms.

AI and machine learning both are going to dig their heels deeper in the mobile application industry in future.

Quantum Computing and Hybrid Cloud solutions

How many times did you find yourself clearing your device memory because there is this new editor coming over the app store and you do not have enough space? Many a time! Here emerges the need to Cloud storage. The apps offer cloud management because of the limitation of memory in the mobile devices. Since this is the world of application now, cloud storage has become a necessity. Cloud provides a number of benefits including reduction in the hosting expenses, improved speed and easy accessibility.

A Research by Cisco found that cloud apps will have a share of 90% mobile data used globally in 2019. Mobile cloud traffic will grow by 11 times the compound yearly growth rate.

Google Drive, Dropbox and Onedrive are just a small drop in the ocean. Mobile technologies are going to make a bigger use of cloud computing for the improved user experience and cost & time reduction.

Bringing out frictionless payment through Mobile applications

According to Statista, “The worldwide mobile payment revenue in 2015 was 450 billion U.S. dollars and is expected to surpass 1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2019.” How many of you use Paytm on daily basis? We use it while booking cabs, while ordering food, while booking movie or event tickets and many more times. It is easy and simple method! The technology has been created to ease our lives and hence something that is supporting it is not going out of trend in any way. The mobile wallet future trends include contact less payment and enabling more security over payments since it is the major concern of today.

There are many more trends exiting and coming up in the later months of the year. Block chain development can create a new bigger picture. Talking about Blockchain reminds all of us of Cryptocurrencies only but it is a lot more than that. It is possible to create decentralized mobile apps through blockchain technology. These are the applications that cannot be owned by anyone. These have no downtime and it is impossible to shut down. Can you think of such applications? Hardly! There is much more about it.

The wearables are going to become the must have accessory in the future like your smartphones. It has acquired top most slot in the fitness trends of 2019.

Whether we talk about Apparel, Medical, Educational, Electrical or any other industry, mobile applications are acquiring a significant space. These trends are taking the world towards security and automation which enables time and cost reduction.  

Mobile applications have come a long way since their inception. Do you remember Playing Snake through your buttoned phones? It was an app too. At the time we were using apps, we did not even know that those were ‘apps’. At that time, the applications were not fancy but still they used to do a lot for us. We are not talking about iPhones or Android here. We are talking about IBM’s Simon which had 10 inbuilt applications in the year 1994. Since, we could not see any day when the technology has not been evolved.

Thanks Readers! My phone is full of App notifications now. Let me just check them all.

Do not forget to mention in the comment box if you would like to add up to the list.

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