What Should Be Considered While Developing A Live Video Streaming App?

What Should Be Considered While Developing A Live Video Streaming App?

Sitting in front of a tv for watching a live cricket or football match is now a difficult task for most of the people who are working and travelling day and night. But does it take them away from enjoying the thrill of watching a great football or cricket match?

No! Absolutely not.

Today, anybody can watch their favourite shows just a click away in live video streaming apps. The most enjoyable features about live streaming apps is the fact they provide unlimited entertainment without any hindrance.

Apps developers in Android application development firms points out that live streaming apps are not only restricted to entertainment but are also used for business and personal use as well. For instances, it can be used in live video conference, offering live video tutorials,training programmes and many other purposes. Having such vast arena of usability, development of live streaming apps has increased along with the increase in audience ratio.


Before beginning with the creation of a live streaming apps, it is important to understand that there are two kinds of categories involved in it:

  • Apps for live broadcasting
  • Apps for video streaming

Apps for live broadcasting is meant to showcase live events straight from the venue. Live broadcasting can be assessed by users who have subscribed a given channel. They have small storage facility, hence, they are deleted after a while.

Apps for video streaming has no storage limitation. This means the videos are saved in the app server and users can play them by their own wish.

What should consider before developing a live streaming app?

  • It should be accessible to audiences: developers from iOS app development company in jaipur suggest that the backend of the live streaming app should be made highly accessible to cater the demand of the audience. Live streaming apps are extremely popular, hence, the usability of the app should be a concern for developers.
  • Must support all video formats: The live video streaming app should support all types of file formats so the users can easily watch the videos.
  • Securing the uploaded videos: Pirated videos or plagiarized videos can create a huge problem with copyright infringement, therefore, developers will have to make certain aspects of function to protect the app.

What kinds of features should be implemented in a live video streaming app?

  • Creating the registrations

User registration is the first step in a live video streaming app. They should be provided with option for registration like through email or mobile number using OTP verification. Beside this registration through social media can also be a great and easy registration option for users.

  • Creating user profile

The next important feature in a live video streaming app is to create a platform where users can provide their personal information in the form of user profile. The informations include name, email address, mobile number, prefered video genre such as sports, events, fashion etc, subscription list and many more!

  • Suggested videos

The developers will have to provide a search box in order to get the users find their favourite videos from a specific category. The search category should be broad based on internet, age, location, language of the broadcast, number of views and  all.


  • Reviews, rating and feedback

This features holds a very significant position in video streaming. The popularity of a video increases by the number of strength watching it and provide feedbacks in the form of rating or reviews.

  • Sharing feature

Internet has brought the essence of viral videos with it. Videos often go viral with the help of rapid sharing process done by social media platforms. Therefore, providing a valid sharing features is a must for live video sharing app.

  • Geo location tracking

Adding geolocation tracking is an essential component of live video streaming app. It helps to find and trace the location of the broadcast. For instance, facebook live which uses current location while broadcasting the app.


Live video streaming apps is the need of the hour! People remains connected with the world not only by television but with a much hightec technology of live broadcasting. These apps are not only providing entertainment but also giving enough benefits for business purposes as well.

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