What To Keep In Minds While Deciding The Name Of The Mobile App?

What To Keep In Minds While Deciding The Name Of The Mobile App?

What’s in name?

This is the most famous shakespeare quote that we all use commonly. Well, going by this quote name is not that important in life.

There can be many views about this but when it comes to giving name to your mobile app, trust me it’s really important!

Name of an app holds similar importance as for a human being. It is the identity of the app that people can search in midst of millions of apps in app stores. Naming an app requires a great deal of thoughts. The name of the app should be given in a way that closely connect to the app’s function and it should also be something users can identify with the app.

Here’s the list the eight tips for helping in deciding the name of your app:

  • App relevance and easy to pronounce

Professionals from mobile app development company in jaipur recommends that the name of the app should always be related to the functioning of the app. The name of the app should be such that closely describes the app. Also the name of the app should be easily remembered and pronounced.

  1.  Check if the name already exist

The name of the app should be unique and should uniquely identify the app. The keywords list submitted and the name of the mobile app play a dominant role in the success of the app in the marketplace. The list of keyword submitted should be well optimized within the app for better results.

Make sure use phrases like free, cheap, lite etc, where ever there is space in the app. These words will attract additional traffic for the application

  1. The SEO thing

Professional android application development companies make sure to keep the search engine optimization of the application at high level. It is the charisma of SEO that makes the app stand against the competition and appear high in the listing of the app stores. Marketers should definitely use frequently searched keywords in the naming the app. You can also use keywords that fits in your description to be high in search results and gain traffic.

  1. URL name of the app based on SEO

URL of the app has a significant role and is beneficial in terms of SEO. The name of the app is always included in the URL filename by default, hence make sure to never use irrelevant special character in the app name. Using special character in the app name can cause URL error.

  1. Format your app description

Make sure to carefully format the description of the app. This formatting should be done before the app is submitted in the app store. Any fault in the description can get reflected in the app submitted in app stores as well as in webpage, hence, it should to be filtered perfectly. While filtering make sure that the description does not exceed the limit of  maximum character and also remember to put all the important points in the app description for better impression within targeted people.

  1. 6. Categorizing the app

Categorizing the app as important as naming the app correctly. This increase the overall reach of the app and make it easily reach to potential customers. Make sure to choose category that has low competition and decent keyword ranking.

  1. 7. Testing the name of the app

It is always good idea to take advice from people you trust. Test your app name within your confidants before submitting the app in the app store. The feedback obtained from various groups helps in eliminating confusions and increases the efficacy of the app.


Naming the mobile app have a marked influence of the success of the app in the marketplace. There is no doubt that app should always satisfy the purpose it is meant to cater, but a good relatable name of the app make it reach to larger group of users. Follow these tips to gain better app exposure.

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