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Why Is It Worth Developing A Shopping Assistant App Powered by Data Science?

Why Is It Worth Developing A Shopping Assistant App Powered by Data Science?

People are fond of convenience when it comes to one of the most time-consuming activities of all time i.e. Shopping. The busier people get, the more they will demand comfort and easiness to perform various activities for maintaining a luxurious living. There was a time when shopping used to be a symbol of nobility. A common man could hardly afford visiting highly priced showrooms but thanks to Globalization, we are now capable of leveraging the perks of over the top living. The rise of demand gave a towering hike to the number of options we have now in terms of stores, brands and categories. 

A decade ago, we could not even imagine a store operating on our finger tips. It took us days to get comfortable with such a concept and slowly, we were made aware of its amazing benefits. Fast forwarding the anecdote, we are now living in a mobile friendly sphere where things are not just confined to our laptops. We are blessed with best mobile app development services powered by skilled developers bringing to us high class solutions every now and then. 

For us to get the most sough after options, the ace developers have now come up with the personal shopping assistant apps. Well, to come up with suggestions, one needs to understand your choice and the latest trends. Thanks to Data science, our online shopping experience is going to revolutionize even more. 

What are Shopping Assistant Apps? 

We exist in a digital sphere where most of our data is utilized by companies in order to personalize our experience. It is not done to keep the privacy on stake but to help organizations understand your needs and accordingly carry out necessary modification in their products or service flow. We have been introduced with a lot of shopping applications produced by leading mobile app developers in past some years whereas the one gaining immense popularity these days is the concept of Shopping Assistant App. 

Shopping Assistant Apps collect data from your online shopping behaviour, purchases, cart items, search history, rating, reviews and any such thing which is associated with your purchasing through online platforms. As an output, such apps assist you in price comparison, discount updates, personal recommendations and everything is done without involvement of a human elements which is amazing. 

How does AI make a near-perfect algorithm for Shopping Assistant Apps? 

When we were not so advanced in terms of technology, the collected data used to be handed over to a real-life assistant so as to assist prospects. Now, by the grace of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, the whole process can be free of human interaction. Let’s see what factors AI takes into the account in order to produce such a near-perfect algorithm working like humans. 

A. Shopping History: Shopping history is one of the prime factors while evaluating the online purchasing behaviour of a particular user. We buy the things we like so it is definitely a crucial input for the shopping assistant apps. Your shopping history might include your Friday night ice cream binges, your Saturday night shopping for casuals or may be a beautiful gown you adorned on your best friend’s wedding. The sales database system keeps track of your purchasing and machine learning on the other hand predict your shopping habits. 

B. Market trends: After looking at your shopping history, these apps look at the latest trends running in your choice of category. It takes in account the data collected from online purchases made across the whole world but just related to your taste. 

C. Price comparison: After looking at various options as per your desired search, your virtual assistant will go and compare price of a particular product on various platforms. On finding the best price, it will come up with results for you. This way the shopping apps work to search an ideal product for the customers. 

D. Rating and Reviews: The rating and reviews of the products are also taken in account by these apps so that they can show users a product which is actually best for them. 

E. Coupons: Being an online shopper, we are habitual of getting Coupons. A shopping without discount is no fun. The shopping assistant applications does not only help you in getting the best product but also tell you of there is any valid coupon application that can reduce the cost further. 

Why is it worth investing in a Shopping Assistant App? 

Measuring the pace of digitalization around us, we can easily understand that online platforms are framing the future of retail. In a matter of seconds, such applications can connect you with the person sitting at the other corner of the world. A lot of shopping assistant apps presently we have on app stores are not fully automized. They do need human involvement at some stages. So, coming up with an AI powered shopping assistant application can really appeal users as they do not have to put extra efforts in getting the recommendation. They just need to have your app in their phones. 

We are living in a world of personalization where most of the users demand quick options. They do not want to keep scrolling your app and find the desired product at the last page. Moreover, these apps are not just about one sector, you can develop it and run it for any sector of your choice. For example, the most prominent domains leveraging the benefits of shopping assistant applications include hotel reservation/flight booking, coupons, personal shopping and movie/event ticket booking services. Though, it may not be a usual application for you or the development company you get in touch with. So, lets get aware of some things you need to know before proceeding further. 

Important Features of An Online Shopping Assistant App: 

If you have decided onto the moving ahead with the development of such an app to meet your business goal, you need to know some of the important and must have features to run it. 

1. Advanced Search: You need to be really advanced in terms of providing the searching options to the users. If they call you their personal assistant, then time lag is not something that should come in between. Making things quick was on of the reasons behind why they have installed your application. So, finding a desired thing with quick search will be appealing to the users. 

2. Easy navigation: Navigation should be easy and moreover simple to understand. It will make the viewers stay longer on your app and they will definitely return because of great user experience you offer. Smooth navigation works well with optimization of your app as well. 

3. Remember products: A shopping assistant app remembers the product you browse in the browser of your phone so as to prompt you whenever there is any update regarding the same. 

4. Price change notification: One of the important notifications you have to send to your users is the price change alert. Means, if there is any reduction in cost, they should be automatically updated to increase the chance of conversion. Many apps also show users Price trend graph which tells them the best time to buy a particular product. 

5. Sharing option: It is a general behaviour of users to show things to other like family members or friends before purchasing them so allow them easily share things with other users so that they can make a quick decision. 

6. Show product’s performance: Being an assistant application, your app need to keep users aware of the current performance of a particular product in the market for them to make an informed decision. 

7. Nicely done categorization: A perfect categorization is the next important feature your application must have. The items have to fall in appropriate category in order to make users search for the desired product easily. 

8. Good support: After a successful launch of any app, the thing which makes it a big success is good support. Your support options should be clearly visible on the app. Think about the things that user primarily wants to know such as their shopping history, order details, tracking number etc. Answer their questions by including FAQs on your app and also allow them to ask something that is not already listed there. 

9. Customer feedback: Since you operate on AI and it is a relatively new thing for the users. They need to get a real assurance regarding usability and productivity of your application. So, include user reviews and rating on your app so that they can get an idea of quality of your services. 

To a great extent, analysis of online shopper’s behaviour has enabled market to know the level of demand of a particular product at a particular point of time. There are a lot of apps rolling in the market that combine artificial intelligence, big data, and the expertise of real people. Though, research & planning form a good start to execute any idea into real life application. So, if you are ready to proceed, start preparing the list of most important and productive features for your app. Let us know in the comment box any queries you might be having.

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