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Why is the Medicine Delivery App going to score big in this COVID-19 phase?

Why is the Medicine Delivery App going to score big in this COVID-19 phase?

We are in an era that is advancing in technology with every passing day.ordering stuff online is the next big thing today.it holds huge scope for growth and innovation .the last few years have been user’s on demand model being applied to offer doorstep delivery of prescription medicines.investments in health and life science sector are witnessing a huge traction in the wake of immense potential in the sector .After the rise of on – demand grocery ,handyman services ,beauty and laundry ,now on demand medicine delivery platforms seems to be on the radar of early stage investors. The health products market expected to grow at a CAGR of 15% and touch $158.2 Billion in 2017.

There are so many names in the market delivering medicines locally to people in India and are doing great .

Below are names of some medical app:

-> Medical

-> Netmeds

-> Chemist Home Delivery

-> pharmEasy

-> online pharmacy for prescription Drug and OTC medicines

-> dawaaii

Authentically and logistics are important for success of any last mile delivery service .It is always good to invest in tools which would improve the quality of the services you provide to customers. As the prime minister of India has announced a lockdown due to the outbreak of the Corona virus .it is obvious that getting food and water is a necessity for everyone .also , some of us requires medicines as well .sadly ,rush and panic buying left many Indians without access to essential commodities, including medicines.

Thire policy

There are some vendors ,who already provide free medicine delivery ,at doorstep ,while others might change a nominal fee of the service .  the fact that an individual gets all his/her medications on time at home is a feature in their policy.

 No upper or lower limit in terms of quantity of order

There is no set order limit an individual can order as many products as he wants for medicine delivery at doorstep ,thus allowing an individual to shop at will.

Discounts and offers

Shopping medicine online in the offline market and asking their people to deliver them at home is obviously ,going to remove the hassle of carrying it along .besides that, such an individual might receive extra discounts and, price cuts from the seller.customers seller relationship might be the deciding factor in the kind of benefits and receives.,

Easy Ordering of medicine

The foremost features in this app is the ease or convinces of ordering medians  from the app and getting it delivered in your doorsteps.

1. Home Delivery of medicines  services

Home delivery of medicine is witnessing a jump in the number of orders as people prefer online orders rather than visiting the stores.in this pandemic situation ,it is however the best option as we are self isolating. And for people with serious illness, getting medicine home delivery is a must and a facility .

-> Do have your medicine in stock

-> Do you offer home delivery

-> Online order available by the phone call

How online medicine cover customer needs:

-> When needed you are able to ask friends or family members to place and order for you at your preferred location.

-> You can inform it or you can get the medicine to the pharmacy before delivery and have the prescription.

-> Many times the doctor provides a prescription digital copy ,then the pharmacy sends you the medicine to the address on the prescription according to the prescription.

2. Medicine reminder Facility

Such apps not only provide home delivery medicines but add one like medicine reminders through their mobile app. basic features to support prospective memory, by providing daily, simple timed reminders to reinforce medication taking behaviour with no further interactivity.The basic app acts similarly to an alarm or a text message by showing remainder on a mobile phone screen at set time every day.

3. Delivery Service for groups & people in isolation

In this COVID -19 situation hospital & clinics need medicines in bulk, and they offers home medicines services or free home delivery too so that patients could not be stuck anywhere.medicine industry providers use the service if you are:

This basic app acts similarly to an alarm or a text message by showing a reminder on the mobile phone screen at a set time every day.

-> Isolating at their home as advised by a medical practitioner.

-> Aged over 70 years.

-> An original or torres strait-islander person above the 50.

-> Having a chronic health condition

-> A new baby parent

-> For the pregnant lady

-> An aged care home resident

-> On the service cancellation ,the next service will be available at the same time and have choice option.

These all services may be available on any pharmacy licensed to supply medicines at their locations provided address. With the medicine also users can order other things which are related to COVID-19 safety ,and they will deliver the same.

Features  of medicine delivery app:

-> Registration

-> Mange information

-> Manage product details

-> Doctors managements

-> Vies rating and review

-> Order alerts

-> Manege payments receipts

-> Inventory managements

-> Billing creation

-> Manage prices

-> Support


In this COVID-19  situation ,we all have a large target to provide the suitable and right facilities to patients . that medicine delivery app is the best option for now ,because no one wants to go out of their house so this is the best option for us ,is the best solution also.

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