Many of online marketers believe that landing page is key factor to hold traffic on web page. It makes your first impression on visitors actually impressive. Visitors mostly judge a webpage with its designing and then look for the material embedded in it. Generally if your landing page designing is not effective and fascinating, visitor would prefer going back and check for some other page.
Basically, a good page design should consist of material and design visitor is looking for. It should not be over flooded with unnecessary advertisement. Not much of colors should be used while designing a landing page. It should be maximum of 3 colors that too not much flashy. It should be designed in a way that visitor directly gets what he was looking for after landing on your page.
Right and proper selection of fonts is also suggested. It should not only be good in looks but also easy to understand and read. Visitor should not struggle while going through your text material on landing page. Simplicity while designing is always suggested. A good and efficient landing pages design should be a treat to eyes and not a pain.
You should put your best to hold the eyes of visitors on your page, though ultimately it is on them whether they will click the back button or stay.
To grab visitors’ attention, one needs to make his landing page design more fascinating yet simple. Bright and flashy images and graphics may distract your visitors from the ultimate action you expect from your visitors. Your design should directly display visitor’s expectation. He should be satisfied well that he is on the right place otherwise he would prefer going back and look for other page which provides him what he is looking for. Your web page must not include so much of pop up windows which may irritate a visitor. Keep it clean and tidy. Don’t hammer visitor with much of question whenever he lands on your page. You must also assure the privacy of your visitor’s and customer’s information. As soon as they are done with filling up your form they expect that you will take care of privacy statement. Maintain a great level of trust with your visitors as well as customers.
By now you all must have realized the importance and advantage of a good and proper User Experience Design. If designed carefully it can be a bless if not, then it may be a curse for your business.